Pottenger-Pottinger Reunion 2013
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Pottenger-Pottinger Reunion announcement, October 12, 2013
Pottenger-Pottinger Reunion directions, October 12, 2013
1st Cousins, only Karen, Paul Jr, Gary, Rhonda and Larry missing
Ken Pottenger says...
"You all look just like us in SW Missouri! Greetings cousins. We hope to make it to the the reunion some year. I know why we have and E instead of an I, we were to lazy to dot an i. Ha ha. I am glad we had the energy to cross the T's." (1/13/17)
Sisters are for Sharing Laughter and Sharing Tears
Susan Markwell Braico
Ruth Ann Pottinger-Amato
Ruth Ann Pottinger-Amato and Lula Reynolds
Rita Pottinger Niman, 99 years old
Rita Pottinger Niman, oldest in attendance, 99 year old
Sandy Oxendorf Polito
Jim and Nancy Reynolds Clark
Lula Reynolds
Donna Abell Reynolds
Debbie Pottinger, Betty Skaggs Pottinger, Bryan Bain, Ernest Pottinger, Michael Pottinger, Ramey Pottinger, Ron Pottinger
Geneva Skaggs Pottinger, Donna Clark Pottinger, Ashleigh Cecil Clark, Leah Hagan Pottinger
Susan Markwell Braico
Ashleigh Cecil Clark
Ashleigh Cecil Clark
Geneva Skaggs Pottinger and Donna Clark Pottinger
Joyce Evelyn Slayton Routt
Donna Clark Pottinger
Leah Hagan Pottinger and Ashley Cecil Clark
Leah Hagan Pottinger
Lori and Stephen ?
Lori says...
"Lori & Stephen Pottinger" (3/5/16)
Mary Pottinger Stewart and Susan Markwell Braico
Rita Pottinger NIman, Laurinda Pottinger Snider, Betty Pottinger Washer, Cherry Weakley Stabb, Kay Niman Meyers and Rob Staab
John Snider on right
Joe and Sandy Oxendorf Polito
John Pottinger and Michael C Pottinger
Ruth Ann says...
"Correction with identification: The man on the right is my father, Michael Howard Pottinger." (3/25/14)
Joe Paul Brady, Theresa Pottinger Cruise, Mariam Pottinger Petter and Steven Howard
Geralyn Pottinger Ellis, Maggie Barr and Millie Pottinger Cambron
Steven Howard and Pam Pottinger Howard
Ramey and Donna Clark Pottinger
Stacy "Vern" and Geralyn Pottinger Ellis
Donna Abell Reynolds, Millie Pottinger Cambron and Joe Paul Brady
Ron Pottinger
Sisters, Betty Pottinger Washer, 86 and Rita Pottinger Niman, 99
Ruth Ann says...
"Prettiest women there!! I was so happy to meet them! :)" (3/25/14)
Pottinger 1st Cousins (from Butler Ramey and Lula Morgan Pottinger line)
Pottinger 1st Cousins
Pottinger 1st Cousins
Pottinger 1st Cousins
Susan Markwell Braico and Lula Reynolds
Lula Reynolds, Bill Reynolds, Nancy Reynolds Clark
Ruth Ann Pottinger-Amato and Bill Reynolds
Us Again