FB Members Honored as 'Champions of Change' for Ag

WASHINGTON, D.C., July 29, 2014 - The White House and Agriculture Department honored several Farm Bureau members as "Champions of Change" for Agriculture today. The honorees are leaders from across the country who are doing extraordinary things to build a strong foundation for the next generation of farming and ranching.

"We're pleased to count several outstanding farmer and rancher members among the Champions of Change for Agriculture honorees," said American Farm Bureau Federation President Bob Stallman. "They humbly serve as community and agricultural leaders, inspiring others to develop their own interests in farming and ranching, all while providing food, fiber and fuel for our nation and the world," Stallman said.

One of the Farm Bureau members honored as Champions of Change for Agriculture:
Quint Pottinger, owner of Affinity Farms, New Haven, Kentucky. Pottinger's Affinity Farms is a mixed row-crop and herb farm. Pottinger pursued his education at the University of Kentucky, majoring in agriculture economics. Upon graduation he connected with various agriculture groups in his state including the Kentucky Farm Bureau, Kentucky Corn Growers and Kentucky Soybean Association. (submitted by Ron Pottinger)


For those who do not know who "Quint" is...

Quint Pottinger (Butler Remey Pottinger V), is the son of Butler Remey Pottinger IV (Ramey) and Donna Jean Clark Pottinger and grandson of Geneva Skaggs Pottinger and the late Butler Remey Pottinger III (Butler). His wife is the former Leah Hagan and they were married, August 4, 2012.


Quint was elected Kentucky State FFA president for 2008-2009 at Kentucky State Fair, August 2008.


Quint won the prize for youngest at 1989 Pottenger-Pottinger Reunion.
Quint and Leah at the 2012 Pottenger-Pottnger reunion, October 13, 2012
Quint and Leah at the 2012 Pottenger-Pottnger reunion, October 13, 2012


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Ron Pottinger says... (Reply)
"Congratulations to Quint for carrying on the long and proud history of Pottinger farming in Nelson County, KY!" (8/1/14)
Lula Reynolds says... (Reply)
"Great article. Congratulations, Quint. " (8/1/14)